The registration for my mentoring program, “Fundamentals for C++ Professionals”, is still open until 17th April. The program starts on 22nd April.


Do you want to become a professional C++ developer? If yes, consider my mentoring program and invest at least 3 hours per week for nine months. You will master C++ (including C++17) in 28 steps. Here are they. 

28 Steps

  1. Introduction
  2. Literals
  3. Types: enumerations, pointer, references, and casts
  4. Types: type deduction with auto and decltype
  5. Values: initialization, conversion, const, and constexpr
  6. Values: move semantics and perfect forwarding
  7. Memory
  8. Functions
  9. Classes: attributes and constructors
  10. Classes: initialization, destructors, and member functions
  11. Classes: default, and delete, operator overloading, explicit, access rights, friends, and structs
  12. Inheritance: abstract base classes, access rights, constructors, base class initializers
  13. Inheritance: destructor, virtuality, override, final, and multiple inheritances
  14. Templates: functions and classes
  15. Templates: parameters and arguments
  16. Template Specialization
  17. Type Traits
  18. Smart Pointers
  19. STL: General Ideas (containers, algorithms, iterators, callables, range-based)
  20. STL: Common Interface of the Containers
  21. STL: sequential containers and associative containers
  22. STL: algorithms
  23. Strings including string views
  24. Regular Expressions
  25. In- and Output
  26. Threads: creation, data sharing, mutexes, and locks
  27. Threads: thread-local data, thread-safe initialization, condition variables
  28. Tasks

One step consists of theory, practice, and mentoring:

One Step

  • Theory
    • Pure theory with approx. ten slides (video)
    • Applied theory with approx. five examples (video)
  • Practice
    • Explain the exercises (video)
    • Explain the sample solutions to the exercises (video)
  • Mentoring
    • Live Q&A session on each Friday of each week, in which I address questions about the week’s topic; I record this session.
    • E-mail queries by participants; I publish the e-mail responses anonymously if appropriate, or address them in the Q&A sessions.4

Additionally, I provide one-to-one mentoring.

One-To-One Mentoring

During the program and at the end, I will have a one-to-one mentoring call with each participant. Each one-to-one mentoring call has a unique purpose.

  • During the mentoring program: You decide when it should happen. The purpose of this one-to-one call is simple. I want to support you in mastering my mentoring program.
  • In the end: I want to provide you with additional guidance for your career as a C++ programmer because you are never done learning.

There is way more to it. I will create additional mentoring programs at the end of these years and have tons of precious further content such as videos, articles, and coupons for my book about the C++ standard library. Here are the technical details:

Technical Details

Still not sure if you should participate? Here are your next steps:

Next Steps

I’m very excited to have you on board,