Welcome to my MENTORING Program!

Hello, let me give you a few tips to navigate through my Mentoring Program.

The Tour allows you to get a good overview of my services.

Just scroll down or reach directly to the sections Introduction, My Mentoring Programs, One-Station Concept, or What my Mentees say.

The Program explains my mentoring, which includes a huge selection of content you can choose from.

In the Portfolio section, you will find my Books, Courses and you can also head on to my Mentoring Program.

Let me Introduce Myself

I’ve worked as a software architect, team lead, and instructor since 1999. In 2002, I created company-intern meetings for further education. I have been given training courses since 2002. The first seminars were about proprietary management software, but I began teaching Python and C++ soon after. Since 2008, I have provided worldwide online seminars.

In 2011, I published the first worldwide C++11 book. Since then, I have published eight additional C++ books translated into five languages. I love to write about C++ and Python and publish weekly on my English blog, Modernes C++, and the German blog, hosted by Heise Developer.

Since 2016, I have been an independent instructor and do my love job: learning and teaching. In a typical year, I give 40 to 50 seminars about modern C++ and Python, participate in 10 conferences, and provide presentations and workshops for them.

My Mentoring Programs

Fundamentals for C++ Professionals

Level: Beginners

Design Patterns and Architectural Patterns with C++

Level: Intermediate

C++20: Get the Details

Level: Intermediate

Concurrency with Modern C++

Level: Advanced

Generic Programming (Templates) with C++

Level: Advanced

Embedded Programming with Modern C++

Level: Intermediate

One-Station Concept

Each mentoring program consists of 16 to 30 stations you have to master. A station is one week long, and you should invest about three hours/week. Therefore, you can integrate my program into your workday. Each station consists of theory, practice, and mentoring:


  • Pure theory: 10 slides (video)
  • Applied theory: 5 examples (video)
  • Additional: Posts and Training videos


  • Practical exercises (videos)
  • Sample solutions to the exercises (video)
  • Active C++ community in moderated forums


  • Each week: Live Q&A session based on Forum questions
  • One-to-one mentoring at the end of the mentoring program if requested

What my Mentees say …

Hans-Martin Duringhof

Senior Software Development Consultant Robotics & Autonomous Driving, Movinity.ai

In my opinion the program is highly recommended to everyone that is dedicated to make C++ one of their core skills in a professional career.

Rainer Grimm’s mentoring program Fundamentals for C++ Professionals is truly one of a kind. It opens the door to an immense amount of well structured information to learn all fundamentals of the C++ language with a depth that suits your background knowledge and the amount of time you can spent on the program. With Rainers long experience and knowledge about the language, the mentee’s skills are thoroughly and consistently strengthened every single week of the program.

I am enjoying the program a lot for the fact that it is intense on one hand but perfectly suited for following in parallel to a full time day job, the format and duration allows the material to really get settled. In my opinion the program is highly recommended to everyone that is dedicated to make C++ one of their core skills in a professional career and is prepared to engage with a focussed community of mentees and the excellent mentor Rainer Grimm.

Jan Kevin Dick

Software Engineer Robert Bosch GmbH

I was stunned by the huge amount of Videos and effort Rainer Grimm put into this program.

I took this Mentoring Program to deepen my knowledge about C++. I was stunned by the huge amount of Videos and effort Rainer Grimm put into this program.

He does not only provide Videos, Examples and Exercises to explain the different Topics, he also provide further informations regarding those topics (Blog posts, Videos from CppCon etc).

One big advantage of the course is that you could wrote questions directly to Rainer Grimm or into the Forum and he will answer and explain also his answer in the weekly Q&A Sessions at the end of each week.

I could really recommend this Mentoring to beginners and also to intermediate C++ developers.

Diana Ojeda Aristizabal

Design Engineer at Intel

Thanks to the program I have met other fellow mentees and have expanded my professional network.

I am very happy I signed up for Rainer’s mentorship program. The pace is perfect to follow along while having a full time job, and most importantly the content has a great balance between theory and practical knowledge so you can apply what you learn right away. You can also customize the level of difficulty by asking questions in the forum, experimenting with the examples and by reading more of the further materials that Rainer selects for each week.

I like that each week has a clear goal and I believe the combination of the core material, the links to further information and the discussions in the Q&A sessions provide a thorough overview of each topic. Thanks to the program I have met other fellow mentees and have expanded my professional network.

Jozo Leko

Senior Broker at OTP bank Croatia

I would recommend it to enthusiasts trying to expand their knowledge of modern C++.

I was happy to sign up for Fundamentals for C++ Professionals mentoring program to deepen my knowledge of C++ programming. There was a fine mixture of video lessons, presentations and zoom meetings to discuss ongoing lessons and ask questions regarding C++ programming one on one with our mentor. The durations may seem little long, but in my opinion it offers a possibility to get a grip on learning resources offered. I would recommend it to enthusiasts trying to expand their knowledge of modern C++.

Mukherjee Debasish

Produktsoftware Entwickler at Bosch

I would definitely recommend Rainer’s mentorship program to anyone who wants to tame this difficult, wild language called C++ and truly appreciate how powerful it is.

I am one of those embedded software developers who had always worked with C as main language for embedded development, until my current project which heavily uses C++14/17. The switch was not easy for me as C++’s abstractions bothered me to a great extent. I have tried multiple sources, books, blogs(including Rainer’s Modernes CPP), video courses etc. to learn the language at a deeper/lower level. But I found the mentorship program “Fundamentals for C++ Professionals” to be the most unique and fruitful of all.

The layout of the program introduces you to each topic in at least three levels: basic theory, example to demonstrate how it looks in code, and the most useful level(in my opinion) “Further Information” where Rainer lists out fantastic materials, including his spectacularly exhaustive blog posts. These present you with further deeper aspects of the topics, knowledge of edge cases, cpp best practices and sometimes CPPCon videos where you watch other experts share their knowledge. The articles on best practices are also extremely useful, as you get to know best practices of each topic(e.g. class design, template programming etc.) while you are studying it. This helps to incorporate good coding style right from the start. There are also exercises in most of the units. The exercises are very well designed to bring out a specific “thing” that Rainer wants you to learn, notice or appreciate. These kind of exercises sticks to your memory and helps further critically analyze and appreciate the language elements.

I have already gained a lot of insight and valuable understanding that helps me everyday when I read my colleagues’ code, do code reviews, implement my own features that too in the embedded world, where there are further restrictions to tackle. I would definitely recommend Rainer’s mentorship program to anyone who wants to tame this difficult, wild language called C++ and truly appreciate how powerful it is.
Mukherjee Debasish
Produktsoftware Entwickler at Bosch